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Rainbow butterfly

Butterflies have always been the symbol of regeneration and transformation. Humanity is now in the midst of profound changes that could lead to a new civilization. Yes, humanity is on the verge of a great leap in its evolution as a biological species! And this trend is driven by our decisions and actions. The Butterfly symbol reminds us that we live in an emerging world in which our decisions and actions really matter! It reminds us that we live in a world of connectivity, that we are not alone, but together. In partnership we can achieve much more! We live in a plentiful Univers and not exploitation and competition will bring us this wealth, but collaboration and partnership! The circles of different colors that form butterfly wings symbolize holons.

You'll meet very often in my drawings the symbol of the holon. Because the holon is the basic unit of how our living Universe self-organizes. A proper example for a holon is not a stone, but a whirlpool. Each holon is alive: it communicate with environment, is in a continuous exchange. The holon is in my drawings the symbol of autonomy and self-regulation. Holarchic model of the universe proposes the idea that at every level of organization we meet holons - open autonomous entities, in self-organization and co-evolution that are seeking to maintain their integrity. Each holon is part of a larger holon and consists of smaller holons. A human being can be seen as a holon that interrelated in various ways with other holons. It is composed of smaller holons (organs) and is part of other larger holons (family, various communities, the human species, planetary ecosystem).

The important point in this model is that each holon, at any level of organization would be, is looking to maintain its autonomy and characteristics. Even if this involves rearrangement, adaptation, evolution. Starting from its autonomy a holon can keep its characteristics and can thus fulfill its functions within larger ecosystem of which it is part.

Our living universe is based on holon autonomy.

Holarchic model for organizing human society supports authenticity and autonomy. Building a fair society, authentic and healthy relationship - all are based on autonomy: inter-dependency, harmony, freedom to negotiate your exchanges with others. A healthy world is a world where individual good is vital linked to the common good and the common good is inseparable from individual good.

I understood that the basis for dignity and shame is the physiology. The basis for trust and mistrust is the physiology. The basis for willingness to cooperation and responsibility is the physiology. Whatever factors influence physiology, physiology is the basis of our states. And this basis is real: it can not be mimed. If we want a world where people to be responsible and cooperative, feel worthy and self-confident, to be creative and passionate, authentic and generous, to be open and loving - we must create the ecological base that allows and supports these physiological states! Simply put: we must create a human society to support the autonomy of each human being.

Also, we have here the rainbow symbol. Rainbow brings the promise of a hope. Hold strong in your faith and vision and rainbow will bring fresh beginnings and new perspectives. The rainbow is also an extraordinary symbol of following our heart desire and purpose. Rainbow is first of all a bridge, a path from earth to beyond. The symbol of the rainbow tells us that we are guided to our hearts desire when we open ourselves to the Spirit to let it guide us. This butterfly whose wings are made of holons in rainbow colors give hope and inspires us to build a world founded on partnerships in which autonomy and genuine manifestation of every living being to be supported!

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