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Network Butterfly

Butterflies have always been the symbol of regeneration and transformation. Humanity is now in the midst of profound changes that could lead to a new civilization. Yes, humanity is on the verge of a great leap in its evolution as a biological species! And this trend is driven by our decisions and actions.

The Butterfly symbol reminds us that we live in an emerging world in which our decisions and actions really matter! It reminds us that we live in a world of connectivity, that we are not alone, but together. In partnership we can achieve much more! We live in a plentiful Univers and not exploitation and competition will bring us this wealth, but collaboration and partnership!

Our Univers is a network of networks. Different systems in human body, in natural environments or human societies interact and are interdependent. Networks of networks are common and diverse systems are frequently coupled together. The study of the properties and dynamics of interdependent and interconnected networks reveal a new understanding of how our Universe really work.

There is an emerging field of interconnected networks which include multilayer networks as well as networks of networks. Such networks present structural and dynamical features quite different from those observed in isolated networks. The presence of links between different networks or layers of a network typically alters the way such interconnected networks behave – understanding the role of interconnecting links is therefore a crucial step towards a more accurate description of real-world systems.

Social networks play an important role in hundreds of millions of lives, and connect users to a globe-spanning system of interacting networks. Deepening understanding of the network of networks is important for many disciplines and has real-social applications.

We must to understand how we can build more resilient networks dependent and connected with other networks. The principle is simple and is given us by our Mother Nature: diversity and redundancy We need to build a more divers and redundant systems. Why redundance is vital? In each ecosystem – as human body, for example – there are many redundant mechanisms and processes to fulfill a certain function. When a mechanism/process fails, other remain and the ecosystem is able to function in a healthy way. This is resilience. Where is diversity and redundancy we leap from dependence to interdependence!

Study of this expanding and exciting field - the robustness of the network of networks - can be regarded as a new revolution in network science and will be an essential tool for building a more resilient and regenerative society.

Our Network Butterfly reminds us we live in a network of networks world and therefore we need to build more resilient/diverse/redundant type of relations and structures.

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